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Peppermint Foot Soak


A blend of Peppermint essential oil, Geranium essential oil and health benefiting salts like Himalayan Pink salt and epsom salt, this soak smells sharp, cool and refreshing.

SKU: FSP01 Category: Tags: ,



  • Himalayan pink salt detoxifies, relives cramped muscles and combined with Epsom salt it allows for better absorption of the minerals. It helps your skin retain moisture.

  • Epsom salt is absorbed transdermally and aids in restful sleep, magnesium balance, improved circulation, improved mood and reduced anxiety, muscle relaxation and reduced inflammation.

  • Baking soda soothes dry or irritated skin.

  • Peppermint essential oil reduces itching, relives pain and reduces muscle spasm.

  • Geranium essential oil reduces inflammation.


110 gm

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